Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


This is my character description. I made it in drawings and added the words that describe my character.
It was easy to make. You can make one to.

My Speech

Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kāka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei mauriora

Te whare e tu nei
Tena koe
Te marae e takoto nei  
Tena koe
Te hunga mate
Haere haere haere ki te po
Te hunga ora
Tena koutou katoa

I te taha o toku mama
Ko Hikurangi toku maunga
Ko Waiapu toku  awa
Ko  Horouta toku waka
Ko Ngati Porou toku iwi
Ko Zahara Rose ahau.

Toku Taonga-My treasure.
My treasure is my puppy because shes pretty.
She shows kindness to me.  She doesn't scratch me
and shes cute, amazing and shes my little cute pet.
She has her own babys. She has two, one is brown
and one is black and there names are Sunflower 
and Lisa lisa. Lisa Lisa is 2 years old and 
Sunflower is 3 years old and there soft.  She is smooth
and so cosy and the mothers name is Blair. She is 20 years
old but my mum calls  her sunny. I 
Kown that shes my little puppy pet I 
cry when she kiss me on my cheek. well more like licks me
on my cheek.  It tickles when she cuddles me. Her fur is so
soft and smooth.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019


I made a slide about me.   The picture was so easy and    nothing was hard.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

WALHT: Write a report We have a title. Tyannosaurus rex We have a diagram. We have 5 facts. We have a conclusion. Title. Tyann nosuru s rex Physical features: What do I look like? Tyannosaurus rex have firey eyes and shap teeth and to little shap clos they have a scary face they have horrible scaly skin and the tyannosurus rex is humongous it is 15 to 20 feet and 4.6to 6 meters. Food: What do I eat? Tyannosaurus rex eat people and other dinosaurs they think they are tasty because they are juicy and soft And smooth Habitat: Where do I live? Tyannosurus rex live in a cave or in a forest lurking through trees quietly and slowly. Behaviour: How do I act? Tyannosaurus rex act angry grumpy scary . Protection: How do I look after myself? Tyannosaurus rex parker them self by eating other dinosaurs befor they hurt the t-rex by eating them to parker himself. Conclusion: How did I feel about the topic? Surprised and happy and It was mind-blowing .